Imperfect Dad MD Podcast with Dr Jeremy Toffle
The role of dad has changed for the 21st century physician father. With that comes different expectations compared to the physician dads before us. With so much changing, where do we turn to to get answers about how to be the dad we always expected ourselves to become? This podcast is designed with the physician dad in mind. I am Dr Jeremy Toffle, physician, husband, father to two boys, and self proclaimed imperfect dad. Through my own struggles as a parent, I have come to find that there are several key core foundations that make up who we are as a parent; if we chose to improve these core foundations, we can strive to be the father we always expected to be. Join me in this show as I discuss each of these core foundations as well as interview experts in various fields of these same principals. I also discuss dad life with new and experienced dads, helping us rediscover what it means to be a dad in the 21st century as a physician and learn to embrace our imperfections along the way. This is the Imperfect Dad MD Podcast
135 episodes
Visit Your Parents
When I was looking into residency options for pediatrics I never intended to actually move a plane ride away from my family. However, when those match cards came in I found myself staring at a name I had almost forgot I had placed at the ...
Episode 134

The Cost to Raise a Child
This past month an article was released by the Brookings Institution (and thus several news agencies) focusing on the cost to raise a child in 2020. They estimated that by the time that child finished high school at 17 years or age, you w...
Episode 133

What is Love?
The topic of "love" is one that is frequently discussed but never fully agreed upon. When our kids looks to us and ask us, "What is love, daddy?" I should have a quick easy answer for them to understand, right? Sadly...
Episode 132

Charting Mastery with Dr Ryan Stegink
Today's episode is an interview with Dr Ryan Stegink. Dr. Ryan Stegink majored in physics before going to medical school, ultimately specializing in general pediatrics. Previously bringing many charts home and going through burnou...
Episode 131

Are Your Kids Savers or Spenders?
Have you ever talked to your kids about "wants" versus "needs"?How do you approach every day purchases versus luxury purchases when discussing them with your kids?Does your kid spend all their allowance money on rocks? (ye...
Episode 130

Understanding the Difference in Your Kids
I recently released a Reel on Instagram of our two boys sword fighting. It was under the premise that I usually discourage our boys from fighting, yet I encouraged them to fight with swords and targets on their bodies. As I ...
Episode 129

Monkey Pox and Back to School
I didn't want to record this episode. I had a completely different episode planned for this week. However, we are now 1-2 weeks out from school starting for our kids and this thing we call Monkey Pox is becoming a hot topic....
Episode 128

Imposter Syndrome as a Physician Dad
In the medical community the term "Imposter Syndrome" has become very popular. The concept began back in the 1970s by Drs. Clance and Imes. They met with many high accomplished academics, admins, and students who felt their accompli...
Episode 127

Things I Learned on Summer Vacation
When was the last family vacation you took? Was it memorable? Enjoyable? Full of stress and frustration?Many of us as parents recognize that family vacations are not always truly "vacations." Sometimes stressing ...
Episode 126

5 Things I Learned in June
We are BACK!Last month I decided to take time away from the podcast and focus more on myself and my family. As the month of June is designated as Men's Health Month, I felt it was poignant to give more attention to my physical and...
Episode 125

Men's Health Month
Today is June 1st, meaning it is the beginning of Men's Health Month! This month is dedicated to men focusing on their health in various aspects, including diet, exercise, medical health, and mental health. Throughout the 12...
Episode 124

Setting Your Kid Up For Success
I have spoked several times on the topic of defining what success means to you, and what does it mean for your child to be successful. We all have different definitions of success and how we interpret it. Recently I saw an a...
Episode 123

Friday Review - How Lifestyle Can Affect Mental Health in Kids
This week's Wednesday episode focused on the topic of anxiety and depression in our adolescents and the WHY to how it all started. One of the more important topics involving mental health is how Lifestyle can both positively and negativel...
Episode 122

Adolescent Depression and Anxiety - Figuring Out the Why?
It is no secret that adolescent mental health conditions have become a major talking point since the pandemic began. Schools shutting down and moving to virtual learning, the loss of sports and extracurricular activities, and simple socia...
Episode 121

Friday Review - Recovering from Mother's Day
Last weekend was Mother's Day, and I HOPE you treated the mother of your children (or your OWN mother) to a wonderful weekend.In our house we typically we let mom sleep in, I cook crepes with nutella, I get the kids ready for the day, w...
Episode 120

Your Kid Doesn't Need a Smart Phone
One of the more common questions Pediatricians get asked by parents nowadays is, "What is a good age to buy my kid a smart phone?"I am kidding, actually. Most kids have the phone already in hand before the question even gets asked...
Episode 119

Friday Review - Teaching Prejudice While Watching the Bad Guys Movie
Apparently I am really into movie reviews lately and how they relate to parenting. Today's Friday Review is another movie review - this time with the newly released Bad Guys movie. The premise of the movie seems simple en...
Episode 118

Parenting Lessons from Guardians of the Galaxy
You may not look at a movie like Guardians of the Galaxy and think, "Hey, I can learn some great parenting tips from that!" However, that is just what I did this weekend with our kids.Now, some of you may think that allow...
Episode 117

Friday Review - Are You the Negative Movie Reviewer When it Comes to Parenting?
On this week's Wednesday episode, I discussed how understanding the negative entities found in the Harry Potter universe can actually improve our roles as parents. This was due in parent to recently seeing the new Fantastic Beasts movie, ...
Episode 116

How Understanding Harry Potter Can Improve Your Parenting
This past weekend I was filled with joy as I was able to see the new Fantastic Beasts Movies in theaters with a good friend of mine. I had been waiting to see how the movie unfolded and the story continued. If you have not s...
Episode 115

Direct Primary Care with Dr Phil Boucher
One of the biggest stressors in medicine is dealing with insurance companies. Billing, collections. prior authorizations - these situations are some of the biggest reasons physicians are turning away from medicine. What if ...
Episode 114

Friday Review - My Thoughts on Physician Coaching
This week I got to speak with Dr Michael Hersh - a gastroenterologist, husband, dad, and physician coach. Some of you may be still asking what a coach is, why do people do coaching, or is it all just a scam?In today's review show ...
Episode 113

Physician Coaching with Dr Michael Hersh
It seems like the topic of "Life Coaching" has become more prevalent the last two years, mostly in part due to the pandemic. Many people were feeling lost, unsure of who they are or what they wanted, which typically leads individuals to s...
Episode 112

Friday Review - ACEs, Toxic Stress, and What You Can Do as Dad
This week I spoke with Dr Scott Grant on the topic of ACEs and what they are. Today I wanted to address the topic more and expand on it by discussing the different types of stress our kids with on a daily basis. These types of stres...
Episode 111

Interview with Dr Scott Grant on Dad Life and ACEs
Has the term ACEs ever crossed your pathway (that is, outside of your weekly poker game)? Are you familiar with WHAT they are and WHY they are so important to understand as a parent?In today's episode I have the privilege to talk ...
Episode 110