Imperfect Dad MD Podcast with Dr Jeremy Toffle
Imperfect Dad MD Podcast with Dr Jeremy Toffle
Friday Review - Recovering from Mother's Day
Last weekend was Mother's Day, and I HOPE you treated the mother of your children (or your OWN mother) to a wonderful weekend.
In our house we typically we let mom sleep in, I cook crepes with nutella, I get the kids ready for the day, we go to church, do brunch, and then mom gets to do whatever she wants the rest of the day while I take care of the kids. Cards are made, little gifts are provided, and I hope we do enough to show my wife that she is appreciated.
After doing all of these things, I could not help but be surprised at hearing the WIDE variety of things dads do (or don't do) for their wife on Mother's Day.
First off, this is NOT a judgement show. I recognize that everyone treats holidays in different ways and fashions, so don't jump down my throat after listening in.
HOWEVER - I do see this day as a great opportunity to teach our kids how to show our loved ones we care for the. YES we should show this person our appreciation more than once a year, but it is a great time to model the behaviors you hope your kids will one day portray as well.
Listen in as I discuss my thoughts on this. And I do mention I am recovering - because I am tired. Essentially soloing parenting all weekend was exhausting. TONS of props to all of you single parents out there. You are SAINTS. I'm going to go take a nap now.
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